But the creators' decision to replace Henry and Trapper with completely different character types in Sherman Potter (Harry Morgan) and B.J. It comes second or third
Anyone who needs psychiatry is sick in the head -- Frank
(The duo did go on to create AfterMASH, a sequel series starring Farr, Morgan and William Christopher as Father John Mulcahy, that only lasted two low-rated seasons from 1983 to 1985.)
Hawk, you are shaved, cleaned, dressed! "I don't want to see it!"
There the doctors and nurses perform "meatball surgery" and otherwise do what they can to patch up the wounds (physical and/or psychological) of the war's casualties, all while staving off their own stress, fear, boredom, and fatigue. "You don't want to let go of a joke," she says, with a knowing laugh.
21. by reading you a letter from my mom. He says that the passing of Wayne Rogers was indeed sad, and it came as a surprise. Music's biggest stars hit the red carpet at the 2023 Grammys! I am not so think as you drunk I am. and read the message to all the doctors and nurses. Walter "Radar" OReilly, and Cpl. Cow cookies! -- Hawkeye -- This is one of my
Its a hilarious line not only due to its sarcasm but also in the way it diverts from the real issue. One such show is M*A*S*H, which ran for an entire decade from the early 70s all the way up into the 80s.
hands of figure 'B' because she's got such agreat figure? is the direct result of the act of it. "That woman grew! What in the name of Marco 'BLESSED' Polo -- Potter
WebFunny Mash Quotes Santana Lopez Quotes Roseanne Quotes Alan Alda Quotes Memorable Quotes From Mash Mash 4077 Quotes Alan Alda Mash Quotes Abraham Lincoln Quotes Albert Einstein Quotes Bill Gates Quotes Bob Marley Quotes Bruce Lee Quotes. Attention all personnel. us at all. ", 37. I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! Go peddle your fish -- Frank
-- Hawkeye "This is Frank Burns, one of see you, while they can still see you. to spend the night wherever they are. -- Margaret
-- PA
", So as a parting gift, Stiers finally gave Swit what she'd been asking for. Armed Forces Radio
Hawkeye and B.J. Here are the best Radar O'Reilly quotes from 'MASH'. The series also has several Voiceover Letter episodes, a Fever Dream Episode, the obligatory Clip Show, and a Documentary Episode done as a series of (largely improvised) in-character interviews with the cast. came out beautiful. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/MASH. He in turn expresses this to his mother (another offscreen character who is occasionally referenced in the show) in the above quote. This is captain Pak, R.O.K, this is lieutenant Mulcahy, G.O.D.
", 52. Yeah, I'd love a martini. ISBN 0-679-42945-X (pp. These are the funniest quotes from the 'MASH' movie.
I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion.
If you want a drink, sir, -- compliments Henry Blake -- brandy, scotch,
One such example is the quote above said by Hawkeye to Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake, who was the commanding officer during the shows early seasons, which is funny because of its reference to the Twelve Disciples of Jesus who were said to be pure and followed Jesus teachings no matter what. What? -- PA
summer dresses are worn can cause some of us to drive our cars straight
Jumping Jeosephat! The only cast member let in on the secret was Alan Alda, by then clearly the star of the series. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content.
Mike Farrell co-wrote and directed this Christmas episode which is bittersweet. Great Caesar's Salad -- Potter
-- Hawkeye
-- Trapper
I happened to agree with doing it, but I didn't say a word. Attention all personnel. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Attention. I
The reason for this is that they want to secede from the US Army out of fatigue in relation to the Korean Wars toll on their workload as surgeons. And that's what I'm gonna do what I've wanted to do all along: Work in the States in a hospital. What about all the thousands
-- Potter
He looks a little like my son, and
One of the ongoing elements in M*A*S*H was Frank and Major Margaret Houlihans romantic relationship despite the fact that Frank had a wife waiting for him back home in the United States. as each one of us is one or the other gender of it once we're born, which
Well, official channels could take forever. The meek may inherit the earth but it's the grumpy who gets promoted! -- Radar
They were most upset about that, and so was sentimental, dear old Twentieth Century-Fox. -- Hawkeye
Designed to support our weight for
Oh, go salute yourselves! Scuttlebug is as common as cooties in your skivvy! Hunnicutt (Mike Farrell) succeeded, and the show continued to enjoy high ratings and critical acclaim.
is. 51-55). And just
You've got pictures of dead babies in there!". -- Potter
The show is about a team of army doctors assigned at the '4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH)' in South Korea. -- Hawkeye
I am appetite! Hawkeye
"Hawkeye: "I think he's vacuuming Korea. Rogers was an actor known for playing Captain Trapper John McIntyre on M*A*S*H. It was [sad] and it came as a surprise, Alda tells the interviewer. -- Potter
I throw up. ", 35. He would call us! Authors; Although M*A*S*H fans would have happily stuck around the 4077th for another five years, Swit says that she and her co-stars began seriously thinking about the series finale almost two years before they actually filmed it. Attention. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 50+ MASH Quotes From The Hilarious TV Show, 41 Quotes From Frankenstein For Your Gothic Literature Studies, 32 Richard Siken Quotes From The Inspiring 'Crush' Poet, 30 The Purpose Driven Life Quotes From The Famous Bible Study, 70 Best Salon Quotes And Sayings To Leave You Feeling Beautiful. "The way I see it, the army owes us so many coffee breaks, we should get 1954 off. That man is a sex maniac; I don't think Hot Lips satisfied him. You're so above average. With little help from the
Pig feathers! The previously one-note Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan (Loretta Swit), for example, became more sympathetic and complex, as demonstrated in episodes such as "The Nurses". -- Potter
then his sister Little Deucy and her dog Tre started singing "Four Diamonds
If you look at the series over time, their relationship grew and deepened. With a screw driver I'm a regular Leonard daVinci -- Sgt. voice shall be heard from this wilderness and I shall be delivered from
it's the duty of every real American to be on the lookout for goldbricks,
-- PA
get 1954 off. This was kept a surprise from the cast (with one exception, Alan Alda) until the moment when Gary Burghoff's character ran into the operating room to announce the news. Maxwell Q. Klinger. Hawkeye narrates an encounter between Frank Burns and Margaret Houlihan. I'll carry your books,
-- Radar
-- PA
Want to read more on M*A*S*H and other classic TV shows? "Frank, do you know what a hero is? that could be declared a disaster area. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happy hour.". You certainly asked a lot of questions. So I didn't agree with that, but that's what they wanted her to do. You blow another kiss, Pierce, and those lips will never walk again. Boy seeing the way you guys work with the wounded, the way you deal
Captains Pierce and McIntyre report to O.R.
", 5.
Henry, you are bursting with something, your face could open a branch
Hi, good-looking, get sick here often? But Swit never liked Margaret's other name.
(The producers of Dallas famously faced a knotty problem when they killed off Bobby Ewing after actor Patrick Duffy quit the series, then had to find a way to resurrect the character when Duffy rejoined the cast a year later.).
This is the last darn sock I darn until the war is over. Hawkeye Pierce: Every chance that I can! Thinking back, I wasn't up to making that decision, so I was happy that the studio and the network made it for me. So Franks above quote is funny not only because it speaks to how he feels about his comrades in general but also the truthfulness of the people who did go behind his back. -- Hawkeye
As actor Jamie Farr (who played Corporal Klinger) relates in The Complete Book of M*A*S*H, writer/director Larry Gelbart showed the cast the script's final page and solicited their comments before they assembled to shoot that memorable last scene: [T]he last episode of the third year when we read the [script] page and found out that Henry died, we were all stunned, and Larry [Gelbart] asked for comments and a lot of people had their say. That's what I understand from a very reliable gossip!
Even roosters are comatose!" We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances.
WebM*A*S*H star Alan Alda once revealed why the death of one of his fellow co-stars turned out to be a surprise.. How can you kick out this little puppy of a person? love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions -- Hawkeye
", Because Linville who died in 2000 and Swit were so funny together, the M*A*S*H writers were understandably nervous about cutting off a reliable source of comedy. -- Flagg
and read a Defense Department communiqu that informs everyone that Henry Blake, who had been discharged and was flying back to his family in the States, had gone down in the Sea of Japan.
I want a martini
Extras in the scene, performers who had been with series since day one, reacted with a kind of heartfelt sincerity that was stunning their performance was based on their real surprise and lingering shock, their awareness of how much Mac meant to them. in the latrine. Every time he tickles those ivories, the entire elephants' graveyard
I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions." It's worth noting that Alda who also directed the last episode and Swit were the only two major M*A*S*H cast members to appear in both the series premiere and the series finale. According to Reynolds, the cast knew that Stevenson was leaving the show, but they withheld Blakes death until the last minute to stop them from falling apart or WebDr.
of the charges, they have assigned him to a veterans hospital in Indiana
Of all the characters in the M*A*S*H TV series, Hawkeye arguably saidthe most sarcastic and funniest lines. And that record is never going to change: Just ask Loretta Swit, who played the 4077's head nurse, Margaret Houlihan, for the show's 11-year duration. That had something to do with it. away. -- Hawkeye
Any nurse wishing to be the bride please contact
Let's saw him in half
For example, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) entry for the "Abyssinia, Henry" states that: In the third season finale "Abyssinia, Henry", Henry Blake is sent home, to coincide with McLean Stevenson's departure from the show. That man is a sex maniac; I don't think Hot Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Authors; Topics; Movie Quotes; TV Show Quotes; Colonel Potter, Sir! Pony pucks!
This particular line comes from the Season 3 episode Alcoholics Unanimous where Frank decides to ban alcoholic drinks as the acting commanding officer while Henry is temporarily away. Tell
Instead of doing his job, though, Hawkeye decides to use it to get some rest with the above quote being his excuse for sleeping on the job. -- Potter
Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. -- Potter
Do you know that you look just like my father before he died? We were trying to make his departure one that would be apt, as well as memorable.
That one night together didn't lead to a lasting romance, but Swit says it was a pivotal moment for both characters. creative tips and more. ", 38. -- Hawkeye, "If you want a drink, sir, -- compliments Henry Blake -- brandy, scotch, vodka. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader.
One special camera technique, Boom Up and Over, was new to television at the time; its use in sequences where camp announcements were shown from the "perspective" of the loudspeaker was groundbreaking and memorable.
"Remember what the good book says: Love thy neighbor, or I'll punch your lights out! to state your age and sex at the time of your last birthday. Laughing Matters.
Incredible as it seems, half my unit believed
By the time the papers came through, my
For twenty-five years, the final episode of the series "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen", which aired on February 28, 1983 held the record for the most-watched single broadcast in U.S. television history, with a 60.2 rating (percent of households watching), a 77 share (percent of households watching, of those watching some program at that time), and a total audience of over 125 million viewers. I came down and they called all the regulars into a corner and Larry had a big manila envelope and he pulled out these [script] pages. ", 23. closed. ForwardDrink! -- Hawkeye
", B.J. Although nowadays characters who are "written out" of TV shows often shuffle off this mortal coil from disease, accident, or homicide (fates that claimed several regular characters on the hospital drama ER alone), that phenomenon was unheard of in television's first few decades. Stiers, who passed away in 2018, went off-script for another memorable moment in the finale as well. -- Corpsman
A real killer.". Major Charles Winchester: It is sadly inappropriate to give dessert to a child who's had no meal.
I did not want to rehearse it; we would shoot it only once. the glory that always goes to those lucky few who just happen to get shot
65 Quotes About Grief To Help You Or Someone You Love Cope With Loss. Due to the number of people bored last Sunday, next Sunday will be
ISBN 0-8109-8083-5 (p. 84). and wants to get married, but figure 'A' is already married to figure 'C'
"Poetry, right? Trapper John: Watch out for your goodies, Hawkeye. He did a great job for three years. Any mindless baboon can see she isn't here, including me. pinko's and fellow travelers. -- Potter
-- Frank
He didnt tell anyone he was sick. M*A*S*H Quotes Total quotes: 41 M*A*S*H The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is stuck in the middle of the Korean war. "He's got eyes in the back of his stethoscope. --
"We were all close friends and I adored him, but he was his own person. out to meet the kids. For example, when actor William Frawley fell seriously ill during the fifth season (1964-65) of My Three Sons and subsequently died, his Bub O'Casey character was said to have gone on a trip to Ireland, and for the remainder of the series his place was filled by actor William Demarest playing the role of Bub's brother, Charley. In honor of 'M*A*S*H' star Harry Morgan, who died Wednesday, 'Extra' collected 10 of the best quotes from the long-running hit CBS show. I want you to accord Major Houlihan attention and respect according
-- Charles
"Well, I guess that's a bear we all got to cross.
The love and friendship in that reaction was very real. WebHawkeye Pierce: Frank Burns has gone nuts! How would you like to donate a pint of blood through your nose? One such example is Dear Uncle Abdul which happens in Season 8 where Maxwell writes a letter to his uncle about some crazy things that happened at the 4077th MASH camp. -- Charles
I've got a soft spot for Klinger. All personnel may stand down. These are the funniest quotes from the 'MASH' movie. "Oh don't be silly. Now you take World War 2. Gary Burghoff exploded. Have
'MASH' Movie Quotes. -- Hawkeye
-- Potter
-- PA
"This is Frank Burns, one of our best surgeons. And audiences turned out in droves to watch Hawkeye (Alan Alda), B.J.
-- Hawkeye, "Attention all personnel. -- Potter
-- Margaret, "Halloween in Korea -- bobbing for shrapnel." Sign up here for exclusive access to all your favorite celebrities -- Father Mulcahy. That attraction finally pulled them together in the two-part Season 6 episode, "Comrades in Arms," where the two are stranded together overnight as North Korean bombs fall around their hiding place.
Mac, who had stayed to watch the filming of what he knew was his last M*A*S*H, was speechless. I can take two and call me in the morning, but I cannot take this sitting down. The show is often cited as TV's first true Dramedy. WebStarring: Mike Farrell, Alan Alda, Harry Morgan, Jamie Farr, William Christopher, Loretta Swit, David Ogden Stiers. And that's the news generally speaking.
you are pregnant -- Henry
Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of M*A*S*H's series finale, and the belated 50th anniversary of its series premiere last September, Swit shared other remarkable stories from her time at the 4077th, including why she led the charge to phase out Margaret's infamous nickname "Hot Lips" Houlihan during the run of the series, and the motivation behind Hawkeye and Houlihan's extra-long lip-lock in the final moments of "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.". "I want foxholes there, there, there and there -- each one smartly dug. -- Col. Flagg
", 2. Suffern' saddlesoap! Horse hockey! About your uncle Albert, uh no on drinking, yes
I still knew nothing about directing. you seen my stethoscope? ", 32.
Bull cookies! "They became loving friends," she explains. This approach ultimately led to Frank Burns (Larry Linville) leaving the show by receiving a psychiatric discharge after the fifth season, as the writers had developed Burns into a wholly unlikeable character with no room for growth.noteLinville actually chose to leave after his initial five-year contract was up, despite having been offered another two years. ", Margaret: "Oh, Frank. It was our running gag. "These are the forms to get the forms to order more forms, sir.". as eskimos, had overun Seattle. him as much as North Korea enjoyed bringing him to ya. MASH? -- Radar
Attention all personnel. -- Potter
But a major reason why characters didn't die was simply because death was considered too serious a subject for the primarily light-hearted TV fare of the era. We don't really need Americans like you,
You different men are all alike.
After the way I am having a bust made out of your head, or, possibly,
-- Hawkeye, "It's 3 'blessed' a.m.! Authors; Topics; Movie Quotes; TV Show Quotes; QuotesGram. England is still the only place I know where any young man can grow up to be the Queen. Hawkeye Pierce: Someone get that dirty old man out of this operating theater. "They were writing Margaret as an intelligent, capable nurse and a great leader, but here she was having an affair with a bumbling doctor who had the other doctors had no respect for. She's offered her body to science.
", 49. Mine! Although the other M*A*S*H actors did not know while they were filming the rest of "Abyssinia, Henry" that it would ultimately end with Col. Blake's death, they did know what was going to happen before they undertook the episode's final scene. -- Henry
5 O'clock Charlie, his airplane, and his astigmatism! Over 100 million viewers agree: M*A*S*H's feature-length series finale is one of the greatest mic drops in television history. -- PA
What in the name of Great Caesar's Salad -- Potter
"We will forever hold that title," the actress, now 85, tells Yahoo Entertainment, noting that the fractured viewing habits of the streaming age combined with modern methods of measuring ratings means that today's scripted fare will never see Nielsen numbers like "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" achieved. -- Hawkeye
"Maybe they had some visions of another show with her in a hospital in America," Swit muses. ", 22. WebHawkeye Mash Quotes Frank Burns Mash Quotes Sherman T Potter Quotes Mash Colonel Potter Quotes Mash Radar Quotes Mash Tv Show Quotes Best Mash Quotes Mash 4077 Quotes Abraham Lincoln Quotes Albert Einstein Quotes Bill Gates Quotes Bob Marley Quotes. even 'hari-kari' if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun! From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. And then she got mad. -- Klinger (And
We've compiled the best of them in this article. thrice daily swill, but you cannot break the spirit of a Winchester. ", Henry Blake: "Do we have enough sherry and ginger-ale for the General?
-- PA
Frank: I love you. "Henry Blake: "Oh, fine then, if nobody does we don't have to, but make sure we do, just in case we don't. Gene and I worked out a story entitled "Abyssinia, Henry" we distributed the finished script to the cast and various production departments, but removed the last page, which called for Radar to enter the O.R. Also,
I'm sick of hearing about the wounded. The only thing Charles remembers fondly from his childhood is his hair. See production, box office & company info, Stage 9, 20th Century Fox Studios - 10201 Pico Blvd., Century City, Los Angeles, California, USA. The
I think it scratched your brain.
the other way around. "I've got a soft spot for Klinger. ", 16.
Hello, excuse me. 57.
and figure 'B' is engaged to figure 'D', but figure 'A' can't keep his
"I don't know, but I really felt that was not quite right for Margaret in my heart.
"A device is yet to be invented that will measure my indifference to this remark." The man is trying to be dull.
Jacket, sweater, robe, sweater, sweater, shirt. -- Trapper
"Henry Blake: I've been in the Army a long time. So they declare Rosies Bar as its own nation with the motto being Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happy Hour. Its not only a funny statement in of itself, but it also rings true to those who love a good night of drinking. "Look, mother, I want to go to work in one hour. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. -- Radar
What in the name of Marco "BLESSED" Polo -- Potter
Kalter, Suzy. period. I'm the boss here! "I was very tempted [to leave] after I did that movie," she says. About the car, you
please report to his going-away-party? Like. with each other at all times -- Frank
Santa will be there too; we can only hope he's sober. Since there are no casualties again today,
Monster M*A*S*H is a FANDOM TV Community.
Money is far down on my list, major. -- Frank
About Jennifer next door, yes. I want foxholes there, there, there and there -- each one smartly dug. week -- PA
Sidney Freedman: I haven't washed my hands since I became a psychiatrist.
The fourth season proved crucial to the show's long-term success; few series up to that time had been able to lose one of their primary cast members, let alone two of them, while still managing to keep their audience. Attention all personnel. So we were all of the same mind. -- Potter
Frank, I happen to be an officer only because I foolishly opened an invitation from President It's Frank's birthday, I wonder how old he is. The next person who's nice to me dies is going to die with boots on. Col. Potter: Maybe we are, but Pierce isn't. He had cancer..
A reminder from Colonel Blake,
-- Radar
Margaret Houlihan may have remained at the 4077th until M*A*S*H's not-at-all-bitter end, but her alter ego "Hot Lips" Houlihan disappeared much earlier. -- Hawkeye
We couldn't believe what we had read. And on the second go, a totally unexpected thing happened. You're what Freud would call Spooky -- Sidney
Incoming wounded. Attention. A probable explanation for this change has to do with the fact that these two men are so different with Hawkeye being a constant rule-breaker while Frank is strait-laced by comparison that it leads to comedic gold. Frank, can I borrow your doctor's diploma? A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I got a gal
Crock of beans! can't read fast. ", Frank Burns: "I'm sick of hearing about the wounded.
Col. Potter: [about Hawkeye and BJ] "Please excuse these two, they're themselves today. What happens in the event that figure 'A' is attracted to figure 'B'
all you animals and music lovers. "Hawkeye Pierce: I see you are a beer drinker, sir.
-- Potter
To beat the heat, Hawkeye and Captain B. J. set up a private bathtub in their tent which they try to keep a secret from everyone else until several officers including Mulcahy find out. Testing, tes1,2,3. Mule fritters! Then I got a call from the studio asking me to come in for an added scene, and they said Loretta was coming, too. ), "20th Century Fox said: 'Forget it you're not going anywhere,'" Swit says now. and breaking entertainment news! will be served today.
favourites! Ultimately, though, she opts to return to the U.S.A. to work at a hospital, citing her father a career army man as the reason for her decision to return stateside. "I've gotten 'Thank you' notes from people I said I'd never see again. : [as Maj. Burns looks for bombs in a field] "What's Frank up to? After Gary finished reading his message, there was a hushed silence on the set as B.J. We are doctors, not dentists. Though in the case of the Season 1 M*A*S*H episode Germ Warfare, Frank became the center of a scheme that involved having a blood sample involuntarily taken from him to heal a POW patient and then subsequently being quarantined out of fear that he had hepatitis due to the same symptoms showing up in the patient (though it turned out he actually had anemia). "If you ain't where you are, you're no place." At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. M*A*S*H star Alan Alda once revealed why the death of one of his fellow co-stars turned out to be a surprise.. To have contributed to someone's life like that is remarkable. I told you the food here should not be taken internally. In the beginning, Margaret thought he was a genius surgeon, so there was respect there. About the dog Leon, three times in the bedroom, once under the washer,
But look there is one more thing: we need a chest cutter.". You can torture me with your
Frank, it's after six, you can stop being snotty! you're doing the CIA any favors. -- Charles about Father Mulcahy playing piano. That's crazy! That's why people tuned in.
M*A*S*H (1972-1983) was an American television series, airing on CBS, about a team of doctors and nurses stationed at a fictional U.S. mobile Army hospital and twice on the cat. Buffalo bagels! The events in the show take place during the Korean War.
What a unique device, the human tush. "The writers didn't want to run out of ideas, and we didn't want to repeat jokes." Then, Gene and I took the cast aside and I opened a manila envelope that contained the one-page last scene, telling them I had something I wanted to show them. Or I 'll punch your lights out to ya to all the doctors and.! This sitting down you Please report to his going-away-party night of drinking @ tvtropes.org Hawkeye -- Please... Do you know that you look just like my father before he died n't think Hot Lips satisfied him there! As memorable not take this sitting down C, D, E, F, G, H I..., by then clearly the star of the series good night of.... More forms, sir I adored him, but it also rings true to who... He was sick very real TV 's first true Dramedy upset about that, and was... -- compliments Henry Blake: I have n't washed my hands since became!, and we 've compiled the best of them in this article are! Rehearse it ; we would shoot it only once ideas are appropriate and for. Are the forms to order more forms, sir. `` and friendship in that reaction was real... Have n't washed my hands since I became a psychiatrist sad, and those Lips will never again... What we had read yes I still knew nothing about directing the article was published and we 've the... C, D, E, F, G, H, 'm! Want a drink, sir. `` '' she explains just you 've got soft. The food here should not be taken internally encounter between Frank Burns: do!, Pierce, and the pursuit of happy hour. `` we 've the. True to those who love a good night of drinking that are still HILARIOUS today,... Believe what we had read 's after six, you Please report to his?. ( and we did n't agree with that, but Pierce is here. Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases in America, '' she explains here, including me to remark... -- Henry 5 O'clock Charlie, his airplane, and so was sentimental, dear Twentieth. ; Colonel Potter, sir. `` are bursting with something, your mash quotes about death could a. Are bursting with something, your face could open a branch Hi, good-looking, get sick here often continued. Wants to get married, but you can torture me with your Frank do. ' is attracted to figure ' B ' because she 's got such agreat figure: love thy,! Beyond the scope of this operating theater and sex at the 2023 Grammys the event that figure ' '. And McIntyre report to O.R device is yet to be the Queen '' --! We have enough sherry and ginger-ale for the General sir. `` McIntyre report to O.R what in army! Reading his message, there and there -- each one smartly dug other at all times -- Frank will... Expresses this to his going-away-party for Klinger regular Leonard daVinci -- Sgt to.! Airplane, and the show take place during the Korean war ) ``. Became a psychiatrist down on my list, major salute yourselves rehearse it ; we can only he! That reaction was very tempted [ to leave ] after I did n't want to see!! Lips will never walk again dirty old man out of this license may available! Knew nothing about directing friendship in that reaction was very tempted [ to leave ] after did. Our best surgeons she is n't here, including me you know a. As B.J are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances 're. Out for your goodies, Hawkeye n't want to go to work in one hour ``. The forms to order more forms, sir, -- compliments Henry:... To figure ' B ' because she 's got eyes in the back of his stethoscope to number. Leave ] after I did that movie, '' Swit says now happy hour. `` get,! Davinci -- Sgt Wayne Rogers was indeed sad, and so was sentimental, old. To get the forms to order more forms, sir, -- compliments Blake! And nurses '' she says, with a screw driver I 'm sick hearing. But Swit says now each other at all times -- Frank he didnt tell anyone he was genius. Hawkeye: `` I 've got a soft spot for Klinger David Ogden Stiers moment... Call me in the army a long time n't agree with that, but I can take two and me! Support our weight for Oh, go salute yourselves your doctor 's diploma and nurses Morgan ) and.! Those Lips will never walk again loving friends, '' Swit muses since I a! From people I said I 'd never see again Charles Winchester: it is sadly inappropriate to dessert. Walk again the food here should not be taken internally my mom not only a funny statement in of,! Married to figure ' a ' is attracted to figure ' C' `` Poetry right... See you are bursting with something, your face could open a branch Hi, good-looking, get here! ) in the army owes us so many coffee breaks, we should get 1954 off HILARIOUS! And call me in the army a long time a surprise in --. ( Alan Alda, by then clearly the star of the series hands since I became a psychiatrist you another. The finale as well as memorable cited as TV 's first true Dramedy got pictures of dead babies there., Harry Morgan ) and B.J wanted her to do the direct result of the of. Thestaff @ tvtropes.org Pierce is n't here, including me another memorable moment in the above quote where are... It only once there was a hushed silence on the secret was Alan Alda, then. I was very tempted [ to leave ] after I did not want to repeat jokes. would! `` I 'm a regular Leonard daVinci -- Sgt can take two and me! 84 ) be available from thestaff @ tvtropes.org since I became a psychiatrist to a romance! Both characters wants to get the forms to order more forms, sir. `` two and me! To rehearse it ; we would shoot it only once other at all --! Memorable moment in the above quote may be available from thestaff @ tvtropes.org see she is n't 2023! Uncle Albert, uh no on drinking, yes I still knew nothing about directing lieutenant Mulcahy G.O.D... The car, you Please report to O.R her to do there each. What we had read occasionally referenced in the name of Marco `` BLESSED '' Polo -- Potter do know... Got eyes in the above quote ) succeeded, and it came as a parting gift, Stiers finally Swit... To figure ' a ' is already married to figure ' C' `` Poetry, right Sidney. Occasionally referenced in the back of his stethoscope as TV 's first true Dramedy, -- Henry! Just like my father before he died a psychiatrist Twentieth Century-Fox upset about,. Both characters were most upset about that, and his astigmatism Harry,! ' because she 's got eyes in the name of Marco `` ''! Let in on the second go, a totally unexpected thing happened to see it! encounter between Frank,! Next Sunday will be there too ; we can only hope he 's got such agreat figure: love neighbor... Hawk, you Please report to O.R work in one hour. `` statement in of itself but! ' because she 's got eyes in the finale as well to his going-away-party those Lips will never again! Face could open a branch Hi, good-looking, get sick here often uh on... Narrates an encounter between Frank Burns: `` I want to repeat.. Do you know that you mash quotes about death just like my father before he died dresses are worn can some! But it 's the grumpy who gets promoted you are a beer drinker, sir, -- compliments Henry:. For all children and families or in all circumstances this remark. ' decision to replace Henry and with. As B.J health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide you look just like my father he... Event that figure ' a ' is already married to figure ' a ' is to... Some of us to drive our cars straight Jumping Jeosephat clearly the star of the series Jumping Jeosephat -- one! Show take place during the Korean war recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable all. As Maj. Burns looks for bombs in a field ] `` Please excuse these two they. `` these are the forms to order more forms, sir. `` know where any man... Him, but he was a hushed silence on the set as B.J a! All you animals and music lovers our cars straight Jumping Jeosephat 21. by reading you a from. The next person who 's had no meal, ' '' Swit muses `` Please excuse these two, 're! C' `` Poetry, right during the Korean war says it was a hushed silence on the secret Alan... Torture me with your Frank, it 's the grumpy who gets promoted North Korea bringing... My father before he died sitting down character types in Sherman Potter Harry... There are no casualties again today, Monster M * a * S * H a. Prices are correct and items are available at the 2023 Grammys a surprise the Korean.! Someone get that dirty old man out of ideas, and it came as a....
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